The Green Bunny Store is a small one-person business operating from home evenings and weekends, in Ottawa-Ontario, Canada. Most products are made to order, and the few items we manage to make ahead of time are often ordered within a day or two - so we constantly operate on a day to day order basis making your items fresh after you order.
Often we require 2-3 days to complete your order, or to catch up on previous day's order, so please be patient. We promise, it's worth it!
The website, the baking and treat-making, the wood working, the toys, box printing, tissue stamping, and creative ideas are all managed by myself, with the help of the odd volunteer.
We have 6 ambassadors worldwide that help test out toys and give us important feedback when we are launching new products. We also have many volunteers that provide all the beautiful photos you see in our ads, on the website, and on our postcards, all the marketing of which is designed by myself.
I am just a little store, but with a really big vision!

The GreenBunny story began when we adopted rabbits - 5 at one time - and found there was a lack of information and supplies here in Canada. As excited as we were for the addition of fury friends to our family, it seemed like a lot of work (as you all already know as bunny parents) made worse by the fact that supplies were hard to find and expensive, mixed information was given out making it hard to feel we were making the right decisions, and when we did purchase things it was usually in spite of the fact that it wasn't exactly what we wanted, but all that was there. Come to find out that most of what we purchased ended up being made with big pieces of glue right where bunny could eat it, pieces that came apart, things the bunny didn't even touch, things that we found out (after buying) were not recommend by several trusted websites, items that were really just too small for our bun...the list goes on!