Hi everyone...I am so delighted to be back. As some of you may already know, I was away for a while...
Now that I am back and even more fired up than before, I would like to announce something huge that I think will benefit the store and the products and everything I do at TheGreenBunny...
I am happy to share with you all that I, the owner of the store, am currently studying Animal Sciences and Practices - a pre-vet course with all the knowledge required for animal health and care. Not only does this fit into my long-term goal of opening a foster or shelter establishment, but it also means:

1- I can care for my rabbits even better than I could before, with more knowledge
2- I can better care for my own rabbits, but also assist customers like you who might be looking for guidance, or
with booking customers (locally) that have asked for one-on-on help with their own rabbit at home.
3- I am also hoping to get an even better grasp on how to care for elderly or special needs rabbits... this one is huge! Combined with my own knowledge of 3 different special needs rabbits so far, and many of my 9 rabbits that were elderly (all but 3), I think I'll be able to become an "expert" of sorts in the special needs end of things.
This will also help benefit the store and customers like you by reassuring you even more that the toys and treats I make fit within the range of what's acceptable, what's safe, what is suggested dietary wise, etc. How can I talk the talk without knowing what I am talking about, right?
Well, I would hope that my 12 years as a rabbit owner for over 9 rabbits helps solidify most of my rabbit knowledge and expertise...I have experienced A LOT, and have had several different types of rabbits, with different personalities, and many with different ailments. I also test everything on my own rabbits, and have based most of the products on problems faced finding toys and filling gaps in the market - in Canada or Ottawa at least (don't even get me started on the lack of hay feeders and litter options and what not that I intend to build...all in due time, don't worry, I've thought of all that already!)
If that doesn't already reassure you enough, you can now rest assured that I will get getting the knowledge on paper, scientifically, a sort of "cherry" on top of it all...and I am so excited!!!
Please note that I currently have an office job during the day, schooling in the evenings, AND work on thegreenbunny orders and the website in the evenings and weekends. I hope that everyone will appreciate that the schooling and extra knowledge will be a great asset - even if it means I might need 2-3 days to prepare orders. I promise...it'll be worth it.
I have tons of new ideas coming your way :D
I hope that all of you will bare with me, and continue to enjoy my little store! I appreciate every one of you and want to thank those of you who have followed me throughout the last few years. To those of you who are new, welcome, tighten your seatbelts, and hang on!